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Teach in Mexcio

Lincoln School Guadalajara, Mexcio, Mexico
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Any experience




Job Type :



Job category


Christian Education

Apply before :


Wed Jun 30, 2021
Posted Date


Tue Jun 01, 2021

Job Denomination

:   Non-Denominational Church

Job Summary

Job Description

Lincoln School is a small bilingual Christian school located in beautiful Guadalajara, Mexico. All of our core subjects are taught in English. We’re seeking native English speakers to join our team for the following positions…

  1. 1st ELA

  2. 3rd ELA

  3. 6th ELA

  4. JH/HS ELA

  5. HS Math

Our position pays a salary that is enough to live locally. You can find more information about our school and the area by viewing this youtube video answering your questions (use the timestamps to find answers on particular questions you may have):  or on our teachers horizon page here:

Feel free to contact our recruiter at [email protected] if you have any questions, or you can apply at the following link:


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