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Worship Pastor

Calvary Bible Church Cortland, OH, Ohio, United States



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Worship Pastor

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Mon Jul 17, 2023
Posted Date


Mon Apr 17, 2023

Job Denomination

:   Non-Denominational Church

Job Summary

Job Description

Calvary Bible Church in Cortland, OH is seeking a worship pastor who will lead and oversee the worship of our regular worship services.  He will also oversee the children and teen ministries.  We are seeking a man trained in the area of biblical worship as well as biblical theology.  The worship pastor must meet the biblical qualifications laid out for an elder in 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1.

The following are the qualifications that are to be considered only after the biblical qualifications have been met:

  • Must have a love for Christ’s church and seeks to build her up in every way in his ministry (Ephesians 4:11-16; 5:26-27).

  • Should be a member of a local church and attend regularly

  • Must have musical ability and can play either the piano or guitar, can read music and have good vocals.

  • Must have a commitment to biblically sound theology and seeks to incorporate it into the worship services through the music selected, Scripture reading, and comments made as worship is lead

  • Should be able to relate to children and teens and be able to disciple them.

The position is full-time with the emphasis being on the area of worship, which will be approximately 75% of the job description.  We also desire the candidate be able to teach, preach, and be a part of the overall church ministry including overseeing the children’s and teens ministries, which will be approximately 25% of the job description.

Salary: $35,000 depending on experience, training, and education.

The candidate must be willing to plan a blended worship service that incorporates traditional and new hymns as well as songs that teach Christian doctrine (i.e. Getty, Boswell, Papa, etc.).

All resumes should be sent to [email protected].


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